"We are not a political or press organisation, we are not an entry fee and we can't consolidate your existing debts into an easily managable monthly package. We are a band and we play good songs to good folk." Welcome aboard.

Saturday, 22 May 2010

One step forward...

Momentum is a funny thing. And you notice it at the strangest of times. In Sheffield (May 6) we arrived full of beans after a forced ten-day break and raring to go. Only to see the crowd sink into the nooks and corners of venue West Street Live and leave us thinking "well, we've got a lot of work to do".

The following Monday we regrouped and bowled into a radio interview with BBC Lancs, with Jonny waxing lyrical about pirates and magicians but all of us largely unprepared to answer the question "what do you want from being in a band?"

Then, a week later, the strangest thing happened. Aware we need to step everything up to make a go of this, we arrived at The Continental beer festival (May 14) and, with the words 'can everyone step forward a bit', everybody did. Twice.

Cheers were loud, dancing was frequent, people were absolutely everywhere and right there and right then you think.. this is what we want from being in a band. This is why we do this, this is what the late nights, the long drives, the practice and the tough crowds are for.

What's more, it's worth every second. Not for the attention or a slap on the back, if I wanted that I'd ring my mum, but for the growing feeling that you may actually have a place in any given community, however big or small, and that people might just enjoy what you do, hear what you are saying and are willing to share in whatever it is that constitutes a "moment" like The Continental gig .

We play FAC251 in our Manchester debut on Saturday, June 5th and we've a lot of practice to squeeze in, but we're confident we can cause a small ripple in the great sea of bands that frequent the city's Saturday night.

It'd be encouraging to have some friendly faces in the crowd and, as always, your support would be much appreciated, so get in touch if you fancy a night out with us.


Monday, 17 May 2010

4 Days in One English Pound

Jonny, are the directions by your feet? No. Then they are definitely still at my flat. It's this left. No, wait, the next one. Must be the next one. It's probably right. Will you get me a deep fried Mars bar. I like this deep fried Mars bar. I probably shouldn't have eaten that deep fried mars bar. What can we get with the drinks vouchers? Pint of Becks or soft drinks. What about Whisky? Pint of Becks or soft drinks. Pint of Becks please. Does anybody have a guitar I can borrow? Dan does. Does anybody have a tuner I can borrow? Dan does. Man, this guitar sucks! Boo. Sorry. 'Scuse me can i get passed to go to the toilet. 'Scuse me can i get passed to go to the toilet. 'Scuse me can i get passed to go to the toilet. 'Scuse me can i get passed to go to the toilet. We're normally a bit more raucous than this. Erm, Andy, I can't find my car. Where's Jonny? He won't be coming home with us tonight.

Where's Jonny? Where's Jonny? Has anybody seen or heard from Jonny since we left him in Leeds? We have a gig in a few hours, can anybody get in touch with Jonny? He's in the Bell, and he's got a story to tell. SAVE THE DI BOXES! How many drinks tokens is that each? Well there's more if we only give Jonny one. One of these days, I'm gonna feel so much better! Everyone step forward. Shit, that's never worked before. Do it again. Three times? My word. Can I have some of your pint. That's disgusting. Can I have some more? Where are Dan & Jonny? You locked us out. I had a burger. Adelphi! Taxi for Russell? No. Taxi for Russell? No. Taxi for Russell? No. Taxi for Evans? Adelphi! Old Dog! If I get hit by one more beer mat, you're getting a pint on your head.

Then Jonny got wet.

Are you aware it's only 10.20am? Do you know how to set a drum kit up? Are these all snare stands? Is the bass drum usually that way round? Hog Roast! Beer. Beer. Fosters. Jagerbombs. Wallace and Grommit. Jonny, play the riff slowly? The what? The verse bit... but slowly. I know what will make you pay attention. Here's a joke! The ultra-sound man. The ship! The Ferret! The Adelphi! Tequila! Tequila! Tequila!

Then Jonny was sick.


Kebab? Kebab!

Wake Jonny up, he has practice.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Radio Interviews and Secret Locations

First and foremost it would be rude not to give you a brief report of our gig in Sheffield. West Street Live is an enjoyable and lovely venue. I personally enjoyed the set by Chloe-Jade Simmons. I also enjoyed the bands discussion to plan a national pinball machine syndicate competition. Last man standing wins, simple. We also played with our food.......

Yesterday was the beginning of a busy week and we made our way to a secret location for a radio interview. I was equipped with a Sat Nav device and Russ was equipped with Jonny Swift as a map reader and a promise of "I know how to get there." We later found out when Dan received a phone call from Jonny, that Jonny knew how to get to the town and not the building.

Russ and Jonny think on their feet and get directions from a passer by. At that time I phoned Russ for an update so this left Jonny to gather the directions. Following the directions from the passer by, Russ and Jonny made progress until the directions ran out. The directions ran out because Jonny stopped listening to the directions because he didn't think the directions would work that far. Luckily the same passer by was still around and we were a band again at the secret location.

We chatted and Dan performed with Jonny backing. It was a good experience.

The busy week continues tomorrow with a gig at Milo in Leeds. It's free so come out for some midweek relaxation. The week ends with a Preston double, playing Friday evening at the Continental Beer Festival and Saturday evening at a venue that will be announced when we can.

I like being in a busy band, it beats reality!

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Big decision to be made....

If you don't know the importance of Thursday 6th May, then you are living in a land where you probably won't be able to read this as you don't have a supply of electricity. What is your decision going to be? I hope it is something along the lines of....."Yes, I will go to Sheffield to a pub called West Street Live and hang around long enough to watch our first gig in steel city."

That isn't the only decision that has to be made. There will be decisions to be made on these dates also,

Monday 10th May - Listen to One English Pound talk and potentially play a tune or two on BBC Radio Lancashire. There will be no fee if you wish to listen to this.

Wednesday 12th May - Watch One English Pound play at Milo in Leeds. Entry for this will cost you nothing.

Friday 14th May - Watch One English Pound play at the Continental Beer Festival in Preston. Another freebie!

Saturday 15th May - Something is happening and details will be announced in due course.

Sunday 30th May - Quiz yourself, treat yourself to some fine grub, and watch One English Pound at The Well in Leeds. Again, you do not have to exchange any of your hard earned cash for these luxuries.

I personally vote that each one of these evenings will be highly entertaining and you'll certainly be getting your pennies worth. I hope you vote the same and join us.

See you soon